Adopting Privilege
Adopting Privilege
In her groundbreaking memoir, "Adopting Privilege: Learning to Reflect, Release & Reinvent," Dr. Abigail K. Hasberry delves into the intricate layers of adoption with an authenticity and depth seldom seen in the discourse. Drawing from her own lived experience as a transracial adoptee and her extensive background as an executive leadership coach and licensed marriage and family therapist associate, Hasberry navigates the complexities of identity, loss, and resilience with profound insight and vulnerability. Through the lens of her personal journey, Hasberry unveils the nuanced challenges faced by adoptees, shedding light on the profound impact of societal norms, systemic biases, and historical legacies on their sense of belonging and self-worth.
From the tender age of adolescence to the heights of professional achievement, she candidly shares her triumphs and tribulations, inviting readers into the raw emotions and transformative growth that characterize her path to self-discovery. Hasberry's memoir transcends the traditional narratives of adoption, challenging the status quo and advocating for a more holistic and inclusive approach to family dynamics, child welfare practices, and societal perceptions. With eloquence and empathy, she amplifies the voices of adoptees, urging for their stories to be centered in conversations surrounding adoption policy, cultural competency, and social justice.